How To Prepare for JEE
The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), previously know as IIT-JEE is a country-wide standardised exam for several engineering colleges, Especially The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), National Institute of Technology (NIT), Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFTI) and Indian Institutes of Information Technology.
There are a total of 100 colleges in the counselling of 2019 Joint Entrance Exam as per JoSAA. Also, out of these, 23 are IITs, 31 are NITs, 23 are IIITs, and 20 are GFTIs.
As of 2019, there are 9.35 Lakh students who have registered for the exam and as opposed to that there are only 11,279 seats in the IITs and 17,868 seats in the NITs.
So the question that pops up in every student's mind is that 'HOW TO PREPARE FOR JEE AND GET A SEAT IN IIT'?
That is exactly what we are going to discuss further.

Before studying for the examination study the examination. By this, I mean that one should thoroughly know the pattern of the exam, the Number of questions and the marks they carry, which portion has what amount of weightage. STUDY SMART AND PUT YOUR HARD WORK IN THE CORRECT PLACES
Break the exams into setions(subject wise) i.e., Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry.It is a 3 hours exam consisting of 90 questions,30 from each of the 3 subjects.For each question answered correctly,4 marks are awarded and for each incorrect response,one mark is deducted.No marks are deducted if the question is left unattempted.
Know all the topics covered in the exam, through the latest syllabus and to know from which topic number of questions are set up then you should study the past 5 years question papers.From some topics as much as 5 questions can come in the same question paper.
JEE ADVANCED is structured differently than the JEE MAIN.While the topics covered are the same but the level of difficulty is considerably different.
The exam has 2 three are long exams, each one divided into three sections of each of the three subjects.
Paper 1- Each section contains ten multiple choice questions with one correct answer,5 multiple choice questions with multiple correct answers(one or more) and five integer questions in which the student has to report their answer in integral form as per the conditions provided.
Paper 2- Each section contains 8 multiple choice questions with one correct answer,8 questions that require responding to a reading passage and some matching the following sort of questions
Practice is the key to success. It is a time-based exam with the student getting just 2 minutes to solve each question for the MAIN exam. You should practice more and more question papers out there on the official website and in several good question banks(I will provide links to some good books in the end)
Get some good study material/test prep books. I am talking about physical hard copies available on Amazon or academic bookstores. It is a wise idea to choose books which come with detailed solutions as it might come real handy.
MAKE SHORT NOTESThis is one of the most important things one MUST do as it helps a lot in the last few weeks where you won't have time to go through the whole chapters. One must make separate short notes which contain all the important formulae, your own key points, important notes, exceptions, etc
1 : Start as early as possible
When it comes to preparing for JEE, The early the better. With such neck to neck competition it is nearly impossible to clear the exam with a month of studying and the facts that Students out there are preparing for years. Start at least a year before your attempt. Ensure that you're really willing to work hard for that year. Unless you are not willing to commit to working hard sorry but this is not the correct thing to do.
2 : Avoid social media
Social media is one of the biggest time killers out there. I highly recommend you to minimize the usage time as low as possible. It might be difficult in the beginning but eventually, you will be able to live without social media. Trust me it'll benefit you alot
3 : Devote more time to weak links
Practice and work hard on the topics which you are weak at. This will help you build up confidence and boost your rank. Solve more and more questions on these topics. Wake up every day and try to memorise inorganic chemistry as it requires a lot of cramming up and most students don't give it that much importance so surely it will give you an edge over others.
4 : Proper sleep
This is the most underrated thing in all of the preparation and students tend to sleep for fewer hours thinking that it will give them more hours to study but in reality, it's making them less productive. So take an adequate amount of sleep. Wake up fresh. Stay hydrated. Do some form of physical exercise as it helps in keeping your mind and body fit and fresh. Try not to spend too much time studying at night. Try to study during the day instead so that you can get more sleep. If it already is the night, then try getting to sleep early so that you'll have time to study in the morning.
5 : Join a coaching institue
oining an educational institute gives you an extra edge. It is not required for all, but having a coaching institute helps you to increase your performance level. Ninety-six per cent of those who have succeeded in IIT has been attached to some coaching institute. A coaching institute gives you a great schedule to follow and makes you practice and use your time wisely. It tests you from time to time and lets you see where you stand and most importantly it gives you an environment of study